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Vaginal infections during menstrual cycle: how to avoid them

Vaginal infections during menstrual cycle: how to avoid them

    Vaginal infections during menstrual cycle: how to avoid them

    Women can become infected with vaginal infections during the menstrual cycle, because microbes are growing increasingly, and through some methods, they can be avoided.
    الإلتهابات المهبلية خلال الدورة الشهرية: كيفية تفاديها
    The chances of vaginal infection and inflammation increase during the period of the menstrual cycle, where this area is fertile for the growth and reproduction of microbes.
    It is therefore necessary to care for personal hygiene during menstruation.

    Menstrual damage to the vagina

    The menstrual cycle causes some effects on the vagina, including:
    • The smell of foul odor: due to the residue of blood that the body gets rid of, which is smelly and effective.
    • Vaginal irritation and itching: This is due to the dilation of blood vessels during this period, which facilitates infiltration of microbes inside, and with difficulty of cleaning them due to the menstrual bleeding, inflammatory infections in the vagina.
    Changes in vaginal ph also increase the chances of breeding harmful bacteria in this region.

    Ways to avoid vaginal infections during the menstrual cycle

    Through some procedures, inflammation and infection in the vaginal area can be prevented during menstruation, including:

    1. Selection of good quality sanitary pads

    There are many types of sanitary pads, and you should choose a good type made of cotton that reduces the chances of inflammation, as this area is very sensitive to any industrial raw materials.

    2. Regular change of sanitary pads

    You should regularly change and not stay healthy towels for a long time, because it helps in the accumulation of microbes.
    Sanitary pads should be disposed of outside the home after being well packaged, so as not to lead to the spread of bacteria and germs in different places around them.

    3-Clean the sensitive area well

    In addition to changing sanitary pads, you must clean the sensitive area, using a medical soap that helps in cleaning and cleansing to eliminate bacteria, and must not contain any harmful chemicals.
    It is also necessary to ensure that this product does not contain substances that cause vaginal ph imbalance.
    The overall cleanliness of the vaginal area is highly recommended, especially in the period before and after the menstrual cycle.
    After cleaning the sensitive area, the hands should be washed and disinfected well so that microbes do not move to different bodies and surfaces in the bathroom.
    The toilet must be thoroughly disinfected so that it does not allow any bacteria to leave.

    4-Stay away from eating some foods during this period

    Some foods increase blood sugar, which increases the chances of growth of harmful bacteria, so it is recommended to stay away from carbohydrates and sweets during the menstrual cycle.
    In contrast, it is advisable to eat proteins, healthy fats and fiber-rich foods.
    It is also preferable to consume foods that contain probiotics, where they increase the beneficial bacteria and lead to the ph equation in the vagina, thus reducing the risk of infection and fungi.

    5. Non-abrasion of the sensitive area

    In the case of simple infections, you should not scratch them, but the best solution is to rinse this area with water and change the sanitary pads.
    If itching persists, medical preparations can be used to reduce this feeling, and it is preferable to consult a physician if it is unlikely.
    @Posted by
    writer and blogger, founder of وصفات طبيعية للبشرة .

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