The most common skin diseases of the summer
In summer, heat intensity causes fungal infections and many skin diseases, so you should stay away from things that lead to these annoying injuries.

The summer season comes with entertainment, holidays and excursions amidst nature, but with some skin injuries that we must purify ourselves with.
The chances of these diseases increase due to the high temperature and the spread of viruses in the atmosphere, the most common of these diseases:
1. skin pigmentation and skin burns
This is the result of prolonged exposure to sunlight during the summer season, which causes severe burns to the skin and thus exfoliates the skin.
It is advisable to avoid sitting in direct sunlight after 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., as the rays are more powerful, so it is important to look for shaded places.
Sunscreen should also be used appropriately to prevent skin burns and pigmentation, and apply to skin every period.
2. Colored Tinea
Is a fungal infection that appears as a result of extreme sweating at high temperatures, and is in the form of small spots in white, light brown or pink.
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To avoid the onset of tinea , it is advisable to wear cotton clothing and avoid clothing with industrial raw materials that do not absorb sweat.
Another type of tinea appears between the thighs, as a result of landing in the sea or pool, where chlorine is increasing.
It is therefore necessary to bathe immediately after exiting the water to prevent the diseases through which it travels.
3. Bacterial infection
The intensity of congestion in recreational areas increases the chances of bacterial transmission among people, especially in sensitive skin.
The chances of bacterial infection in the skin increase among children, where friction and contact with them is not careful.
To prevent this infection, you should use only clean personal tools, and bathe on a daily, special day while traveling.
4. Hamou El Nil
It is a type of rashand appears as a small red pill that results in increased sweating and heat.
Sometimes the Nile may be accompanied by itching, and to prevent it, you must wear light and cotton clothing, good ventilation at home and stay away from high temperatures, as well as bathing with cold water to moisturize the body.
This disease should not be neglected because it may develop into skin infections.
It is important to treat it by placing a custom cream after consulting a physician, but if it turns into a skin infection it may need an antibiotic.
5. Skin rash and eczema
For the same previous reasons, which are sweating, heat and water, the skin is exposed to a rash that spreads in different places, and the most common places to be infected are on the elbows and hands as well as in the areas of the skin folds.
The rash can also occur due to blockage of the sweat glands and the absence of perspiration from the body, causing inflammation of the surrounding tissues.
Eczema is often accompanied by itching, and therefore you need to use an antihistamine, because rubbing the affected areas increases the condition and can even cause effects on the skin that are difficult to eliminate.
To prevent rash, it is advisable to avoid clothing made from synthetic fibres, choose cotton clothing so as not to increase the sweating that causes the rash, and must stay away from the very hot places and care for cleanliness.
In the case of skin rash, it is advisable to wash the affected areas with lukewarm water and not rub it, dry it well and then use the products intended to eliminate them.
It is also advisable to eat foods that contain vitamin C which prevents histamine secretion in the body, and contains antioxidants that reduce the occurrence of the rash as well as the treatments prescribed by the doctor.
6. Ethnic Boils
They are acute infections that affect the hair follicles and areas that surround them, and are more likely to be infected with increased sweating.
There are factors that increase the activity of bacteria that cause these ethnic boils such as diabetes and weight gain.
To avoid the incidence of ethnic boils, keep away from the heat as hard as possible and take good care of the body's personal hygiene.
7-Melasma and freckles
Skin problems that cause discomfort for women are the appearance of melasma andfreckles on the skin in the summer season.
Melasma is a dark color pigmentation that appears in areas that are directly exposed to the sun, especially the face.
Freckles are in the form of small spots in their shapes and sizes, and are increasingly visible in light and thin skin.
The ideal solution for the prevention of melasma and Freckles is to use sunscreen before exposure to harmful rays by half an hour.
In some cases these spots may be associated with sitting in the sun, disappearing again, and treatment may need some time by avoiding sun exposure and using medical compounds that contribute to its elimination.
8. Acne
Some people are suffering from growing acne in the summer season, especially those with oily skin, so with the intensity of heat these grains are formed on the skin.
The secretions of the sebaceous glands increase with the open pores, thus making it easier to glue the dust to the skin and make the grains.
It is advisable not to contact these pills or pressure them so as not to leave traces on the skin, as well as not to spread the infection from one place to another.
The treatment of these pills through antibiotics is placed on the infection areas, after consultation with the dermatologist.
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